
The 2025 prompt will be released on March 14.

Use our resources and start to hone your AI skills from this moment.

It all begins with an idea.

Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Maybe you want to launch a business. AI is one of the most versatile fields. Figure out how you could use it in different fields.

The steps involved.

Making the AI is only a small part of the actual process. Typically, you spend most of your time gathering and cleaning data to train the model. You should make sure you understand the data as well as you won’t get amazing results in you don’t understand the patterns and connections your model is likely to make.

Learn how to build models.

Using libraries AI models are now easier to build and train than ever. Check out this video and some of the websites below for a starter on how to build your own models to solve real-world problems.

Build on existing products.

Instead of starting from scratch, you could use existing technology like chatGPT to handle the AI requirements for your project. This leaves you with more time to focus on the idea and implementation rather than just training a model.

Other resources


Kaggle is a free website that offers courses from basic to advanced levels on machine learning and AI. Amazingly, it also has thousands of datasets and competitions you can check out if you want to practice what you have learnt.


Whatever library you choose to work with, they usually have documentation with example code that goes over the features and techniques involved. Whether you’re using sklearn to build models, are creating neural networks using tensorflow, or are just using matplotlib to graph some of your data, the documentation is a great place to start.

Online platforms

There are thousands of courses available on AI online on platforms like edX and Coursera. This includes real life classes from massive universities and companies like Harvard, IBM and Google which you can access for free! Choose what field in AI you’re interested in and get started.

Remember, this is just a taste of what’s available. The internet is full of resources you could use. Start exploring and learning!!